Senifone (NL)

Senifone (NL) Affiliate Programm

Kampagnen » Elektronik » Senifone (NL)
Take the first step to digital freedom with Senifone - the perfect smartphone for seniors! The Senifone S1 is specially designed for seniors, with convenience and reliability at its core.

With the Senifone S1, you can finally participate fully in the digital world. Whether you want to send an appjew, play Facebook, chess, or just watch the news, everything is possible and easy too! And do you know what the best part is? The Senifone S1 is easy to set up and ready to use in just a few steps.

The Senifone S1 offers easy operation with large, customizable buttons and clear navigation. In addition, we have created a safe environment with secure software, where nothing can go wrong. Still have questions? No worries! Our customer service is always there for you.

With pre-installed apps like WhatsApp, Facebook and news apps, and the ability to download your own apps, you will always stay connected to the world around you. Important apps are right on the home screen for your convenience, and all apps can be categorized into folders so you never have to spend a long time searching. Senifone is not just another smartphone - it is one of the latest flagships in the world of senior smartphones and has been named the best senior smartphone of 2022. According to several experts, the Senifone S1 is the best senior phone right now.

Don't miss this opportunity to embrace the digital world. Visit our website www.senifone.nl for more information or call us at (085) 060 65 89. Switch today
to Senifone - the smartphone that grows with you!

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  • Vergütung 5.60%
  • Keywordmarketing erlaubt
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  • Cashback erlaubt
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    Es ist nicht erlaubt, Aktionen zu bewerben, die nicht über den Newsletter oder die Mitteilungszentrale mitgeteilt wurden.

  • Social media erlaubt
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  • Productfeed möglich
  • Deeplink möglich
  • Programm aktiv seit 11-07-2023
  • Messdauer 30 tage
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