Emma Matratze Austria (AT)

Emma Matratze Austria (AT) affiliateprogramma

Campagnes » Wonen, Huis & Tuin » Emma Matratze Austria (AT)
Emma Matratzen is one of the top 3 bed-in-a-box providers in Europe. The internationally operating direct-to-consumer company was founded by Manuel Müller and Dr. Dennis Schmoltzi at the end of 2015. As a young startup company, Emma has made it its goal to develop a mattress that fits everyone. In fiscal year 2019, Emma - The Sleep Company (Bettzeit GmbH) turned over EUR 150 million and had sales of EUR 400 million in 2020. More than one million Emma mattresses have now been sold. Just under five years after its founding, the mattress is available online in 22 countries, as well as from numerous European cooperation partners in brick-and-mortar stores. Emma Matratzen is no longer just about mattresses. In addition to accessories such as blankets and pillows, the product portfolio now also includes beds, including the Emma box spring bed.

By using the best materials, selected manufacturing partners and competent employees, Emma stands for continuous quality. Above all, by collaborating with sleep experts, searching for the latest materials and constant quality controls, Emma offers products that meet the needs of its customers. The quality standard has already been rewarded by numerous awards.

In Germany, the Emma One mattress achieved the top score of 1.7 "good" in the Stiftung Warentest test in October 2019.

This campaign has automatic rules set up which unregister your subscription after 60 days if it hasn't been approved or disapproved. After having your registration cancelled, you can reapply for the campaign

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  • Commissie 5.00%
  • Keywordmarketing is toegestaan
  • E-mailmarketing is toegestaan
  • Promotiecodes is toegestaan
  • Product listing ads is toegestaan
  • Cashback is toegestaan
  • Social media is toegestaan
  • Sub ID mogelijk
  • Productfeed mogelijk
  • Deeplink mogelijk
  • Programma actief sinds 23-09-2021
  • Meetduur 30 dagen
  • Actief in


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