Vardagen.se (SE)

Vardagen.se (SE) affiliate program

Kampanjer » Living, House & Garden » Vardagen.se (SE)
Vardagen.se - Member club with great discounts

About Vardagen.se
Vardagen.se is a member club that guarantees members large discounts on well-known everyday goods and brands. Vardagen.se’s membership costs only DKK 139 kr/pr. month, which gives the customer access to more than half a million brands and everyday goods at a purchase price, and this applies to more than 98% of the products.

They offer a large selection of products within categories such as household, personal care, electronics, books, children and play, and house and garden.

At Vardagen.se, they have high standards for creating the best framework for their members, and they are constantly working to get new products on the web shelves.

More about Vardagen.se

  • Has a high Trustpilot score.
  • Over 98% of their products are at purchasing price.
  • Membership costs only 139 kr / pr. month
  • Has an inventory of over 500,000 products and brands.
  • High service and quality products.

Your benefits of promoting Vardagen.se

  • Attractive commission for you as a publisher.
  • High conversion rate.
  • Quick Approval.
  • Daisycon is the only affiliate network.
  • Up-to-date banner material and product feed.

Hva er affiliate markedsføring?

Har du en nettside eller et medie hvor du ønsker å promotere Vardagen.se (SE) affiliate programmet? Det kan du! Det første du behøver å gjøre er å registrere deg hos Daisycon. Etter at du har blitt godkjent hos Daisycon og kampanjen, vil du få tilgang til banners og linker. Plassér disse linker eller banners på din nettside. For hver besøkende du videresender som gjennomfører en transaksjon, mottar du en fin provisjon. Dette kalles affiliate marketing.

Les mer om affiliate markedsføring Bli en mediepartner hos Daisycon, eller klikk Her for å registrere deg direkte .

Start promotering

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Program data

  • Kommisjon DKK 80.00
  • Keyword markedsføring er tillatt
  • E-mail markedsføring er tillatt
  • Rabattkoder ikke tillatt
  • Product listing ads er tillatt
  • Cashback er tillatt
  • Sosiale medier er tillatt
  • Sub ID mulig
  • Tilgængeligt mulig
  • Deeplink mulig
  • Programmet aktiv siden 11-07-2022
  • Måletid 7 dager
  • Aktiv i

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