Loop Earplugs

Loop Earplugs affiliate program

Campaigns » Sports, Beauty & Health » Loop Earplugs
Vårt produktsortiment innehåller ett brett utbud av öronproppar för musik, sömn, Ljudkänslighet och fokusering. Loop Earplugs är en av de snabbast växande DTC scale-ups i Belgien, med planer på att växa 11 gånger i år. New York Times kallade oss "de bästa öronpropparna för konserter" och tusentals Ljudkänslighet kunder kallar oss för en livsförändrare.

Why promote Loop Earplugs?

Vi söker publicister som delar vårt uppdrag och vill sprida vårt budskap om att göra livet bekvämare.

What is affiliate marketing?

Do you have a website or other medium with which you want to promote the Loop Earplugs affiliate program? You can! The first thing you have to do is sign up with Daisycon. After you have been admitted to Daisycon and the campaign, you will have access to the banners and the link material. Place these links or banners on your website. For every visitor you forward that makes a transaction, you will receive a nice fee. This is called affiliate marketing.

Read more about become a publisher at Daisycon, or click here to register directly.

Start promoting

Don't have an account with Daisycon yet, but do you want to promote the program of Loop Earplugs? Sign up directly here.

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Program data

  • Commission 3.00% - 15.00%
    (more information)

    3% CPS: coupon, promotion publishers
    4% CPS: cashback / incentive mailing
    5% CPS: Employee/student closed user networks
    15% CPS: rest

    sales with the following conditions will be disapproved:
    - Sales with promo code contains LOOPX
    - Sales with promo code come from: Discount Partners Promocodes, Closed Communities Promocodes, Benefit Platforms Promocodes.

  • Keywordmarketing not allowed
    (more information)

    Brand bidding is not allowed! Exclude broad and exact keywords from Loop Earplugs

  • Email marketing is allowed
    (more information)

    Email preview should always be in the email approval tool

  • Coupon codes partially allowed
  • Product listing ads partially allowed
  • Cashback is allowed
    (more information)

    Communicating incorrect, misleading or non-existent promotional codes and promotions is not allowed.
    Sharing promotioncodes is not allowed.

  • Social media not allowed
  • Sub ID possible
  • Productfeed possible
  • Deeplink possible
  • Program active since 13-02-2023
  • Measuring time 7 days
  • Active in


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