
Black Friday 2023: once again a great success!

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Black Friday, globally one of the most exciting shopping events of the year. Black Friday 2023 exceeded expectations once again and was undoubtedly a great success!

Black Friday 2023 beyond all expectations

We observed that Friday itself remains the biggest sales day, but we saw even more sales during Black Week compared to last year. In total, we’re talking about +12% more sales compared to last year.

Daisycon Black Friday
“Prominent changes observed this Black Friday: advertisers extend promotions to Black Week or even Black Month, while others lose faith in the impact of Black Friday, even closing their stores as a statement. Campaigns exhibit varying success, with new standouts such as a trendy product for under the Christmas tree.”
Daisycon Belgium

Analysing the remarkable results of Black Friday this year reveals an impressive picture. Firstly, there was a significant increase in the number of clicks across the entire network (+26%) compared to Black Friday 2022. Another notable result was the substantial increase in the number of transactions generated through affiliate marketing (+40%).

Daisycon Black Friday

The success of Black Friday 2023 extended beyond just clicks and transactions. The growth in commissions also surpassed all expectations.

“Despite economic challenges, our Nordic network grew by always 50% compared to last year. The network’s growth is attributed to both retaining existing and onboarding new advertisers, including leading e-commerce stores that have joined since the last Black Friday. In uncertain times, businesses opt for performance marketing, such as affiliate marketing, for better returns, while cutting back on expensive branding campaigns with uncertain yields.”
Daisycon Nordics

This year, it was evident that advertisers were investing more in planned collaborations with their publishers (+23%). With average expenditures of €1900 for a collaboration, they were able to achieve a satisfying outcome.

The greatest benefits

This year, the first deals were already closed in August. One of the greatest benefits is evident in the Young Family channel. Some advertisers within this channel have experienced a growth of 118%. We also observed significant growth in the Telecom, Sports & Hobby, and Fashion channels and Energy.

Daisycon Black Friday
The 2023 Black Friday weekend in France closely mirrored 2022 in publisher budgets but saw increased advertiser participation and deals. Fashion, home & living, and beauty & health channels engaged in Black Friday with fixed fee deals. Overall campaign growth was observed, with significant increases in media and electronics, despite no booked exposures.
Daisycon France


Black Friday 2023 not only exceeded expectations but also set new records. We look forward to next year with enthusiasm. One thing is certain: the bar will only be set higher!