Double opt-in standard for Daisycon publishers
Date of publication:

Due to recent developments and after consultation with the ACM Daisycon has decided to sharpen its admissions policy even more towards publishers who promote advertisers via e-mail.
Daisycon is convinced that all its e-mail publishers have properly organized the permission for its files and can prove it. To be beyond any doubt we have decided to take a clear position on this.
New publishers may only be allowed to promote Daisycon advertisers if the Dutch consumer or the Dutch company that has been approached has given double permission (double opt-in).
By far the largest part of our publisher database has already received the double confirmation from its members. For these publishers it is just a formality to confirm this. Existing publishers still have until January 1, 2015 to acquire the missing double permission (these publishers have already shown receipt of the single opt-in, otherwise they would not have access to the network). For new publishers these rules take effect immediately.
To be clear about what Daisycon understands by double opt-in we have worked that out for you here. This is an additional quality requirement that Daisycon demands from their publishers. Double opt-in is not legally mandatory. Obviously the publisher needs to comply to all legal obligations.