
Update: Daisycon Chrome extension

Date of publication:

Earlier this year we have a released a Google Chrome extension to help publishers creating deeplinks while browsing on webshops that are active on our network, seeing the popularity of this new extension we have decided to update it to bring you as a publisher even more features.

What is new?

Next to the possibility to generate deeplinks on specific pages of webshops active at Daisycon, the v2.0 of the Daisycon Chrome extension gives you even more insight about the advertiser campaign itself. From now on you can see:

  • In which countries the promotion of the campaign is possible
  • In which currency does the campaign operates
  • The maximal reachable publisher commission you can earn by promoting the campaign

Next to this you will also be able to:

  • Check the campaign details and subscribe to it
  • Look if the advertiser has specific promotions to promote
  • Get your product feed URL for this specific advertiser

As a publisher this will spare you some time and allow you to get started promoting campaigns more efficiently.

How to install the extension?

You can view and install the Daisycon Google extension here. Install it by pressing the Add to Chrome button. The first time you will use it, you will have to login on your Daisycon publisher account to make it work.

If you like the tool, make sure to leave us a good review/ If you have any suggestions to improve it, we would love to receive your feedback at [email protected].