
Q and A: Conversion attribution at Daisycon

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“Conversion Attribution means assigning a certain value to publishers who have contributed to a converting visitor”

Conversion attribution is a hot item. But to be blunt: there is no one-size-fits-all solution for this. Also, it is not self-evident that conversion attribution is a guaranteed success for any affiliate program. Nevertheless, conversion attribution offers enough opportunities! The main consideration we give you: Do you distribute your current commission into smaller parts or do you want to add additional value to your affiliate program? At Daisycon we suggest the last option..

Read more about this topic in the FAQ below.

The purchasing process, also called customer journey or conversion path, is rarely linear. Before purchasing, visitors explore first through different devices, browsers and media. Conversion attribution is the term used to add value to the contribution of different publishers /media.

Traditionally, the publisher with the last click/cookie is awarded te full commission. For example, publishers with comparison websites, shopping portals and promotion code websites are often at the end of the customer journey. By adding an additional commission to more publishers in the customer journey, Daisycon’s broad and diverse network will work even better.

Different models: How do you keep your best publishers satisfied?

There are different models of conversion attribution. They share one characteristic: the total commission is distributed across multiple publishers. That seems like a noble endeavor, but the best-performing publishers (at the end of the customer journey) receive less commission. So you make a small group of publishers happy with a small fee while the best publishers are cut short. At Daisycon, we recommend choosing the Conversion Assist: It keeps the best-performing publishers happy because the initial commission stays in place and it activates a broad group of publishers with an additional fee.


A: International media regularly write about conversion attribution. Even during events, many guest speakers talk about this subject. What matters is the importance of the last click / cookie compared to other clicks and channels (media) that contribute to a transaction.  

Q: Why is conversion attribution not an undevided success?

A: Conversion attribution is not just a one-size-fits-all solution. In short, it is easier said than done. There are many variables that affect whether or not conversion attribution is successful. The existing commission model must be taken into account (sliding scales, cashback programs, CPS / CPL agreements, etc.). Loyal, well-performing publishers will see their income decrease. On the long term, it will create a counterfeit effect, as the interest among publishers will decrease. Daisycon’s Conversion Assist is an example of an attribution model that is flexible in all features but most importantly: it keeps the existing commission model intact. 

Q: Does Daisycon also offer conversion attribution?

A: Yes, we offer different models. Daisycon advertisers have been able to benefit from various tools, metrics and insights that form the basis for conversion attribution, such as the Conversion Assist and the Shopping Cart Pixel. Other, more comprehensive models are also available. Below you can find the different types of models.

Q: What is Engagement Mapping?

A: Engagement Mapping is a feature for Daisycon advertisers, available in the interface. It gives advertisers full transparency about Daisycon and all the clicks in the conversion path up to a purchase.

Engagement Mapping allows the advertiser to analyze which publishers contributed to a transaction. With just one glance you can see which URLs (so-called referring pages) were visited and through which devices, before visiting the advertiser’s website.

Thanks to Engagement Mapping, the advertiser can find a lot of information. For example, he can see if the publisher has only informed the visitor about his website, or if the visitor has actually seen the offer on the publisher’s website. If there are multiple publishers involved in the transaction, the advertiser can see which publishers have contributed more to the sale. For example, if an advertiser often sees a certain publisher early in the customer journey, the advertiser may decide to give this publisher a higher commission. Publishers do a lot of branding, so as an advertiser it’s interesting to promote this publisher.

Q: Why should you reward more that just the last click?

A: By providing a commission, in addition to the standard CPS / CPL commission for the transaction, more publishers will be motivated to promote the program. The Conversion Assist keeps the existing attribution model, yet you bring some of the commission towards the long tail. In addition, sliding scales and cashback programs continue to function.

By adding an additional commission, Daisycon’s broad and diverse network can be used at it’s best. That way, more publishers are motivated to promote. The funnel grows which then leads to more transactions. 

Q: What types of conversion attribution are there?

A: When an advertiser decides to try conversion attribution at Daisycon, there are several models. Daisycon recommends using the well tested Conversion Assist. We would also like to advise you on the possibilities with other attribution models, specifically designed for your needs:

  • Conversion Assist
    The Conversion Assist provides an additional commission for publishers in the clickpad that have not received a sale commission. This option allows publishers who contribute to the transaction to be rewarded without compromising the sales commission of the publisher to whom the transaction is assigned. The extra commission is distributed among the unique publishers within the last ten touch points, except the publisher to which the transaction is assigned.

    Read more about the Conversion Assist

  • Shopping Cart Pixel
    The Daisycon Shopping Cart Pixel ensures that the transaction is assigned to the publisher who has caused the visitor to place products in the shopping cart. Even if the visitor has visited another publisher before placing the order (for example, promotion code websites). Therefore, we look at the last two publishers in the conversion path.
  • Last click
    The traditional default model that assigns the transaction to the last click in the conversion path.
  • Linear
    In a linear model, the commission is distributed in equal parts to the publishers who contributed to the sale. For example, with a commission of € 30, – and a contribution of 3 publishers, each publisher will receive € 10, -. This model looks at the unique publishers within the last ten touchpoints.
  • Recency
    This allows you to give a higher or lower value based on the time between click and transaction. For example, a 10-minute click interval would get 10% of the commission, 80% within 10 minutes and three days, while the remaining 10% will be distributed outside those three days. If there is only one publisher in the click path, he or she will of course receive 100% of the commission. This model looks at the click interval of the last ten touch points. Time is adjustable and depends on the type of advertiser, the measurement duration and the conversion path.
  • Position
    This model distributes the commission based on the position in the click path. For example, the last click is rewarded with 70% of the commission, 20% goes to the publisher before that and the remaining 10% is distributed among the rest of the publishers involved. If there is only one publisher in the click path, it will of course receive 100% of the commission. This model looks at the unique publishers within the last 10 touchpoints.
  • Custom
    With a customized solution, combinations can be made of various models combined with groups of publishers or individual agreements.

Q: Why is the Conversion Assist in many cases better than conversion attribution?

A: With the Conversion Assist, you can motivate a broad group of publishers alongside your top performing publishers, by giving them an additional commission. While conversion attribution often means that only the best converting publishers will earn less. As the interest among the top publishers decreases, the affiliate program is eliminated as it were.

Therefore, Daisycon recommends starting with the Conversion Assist. This way, the top publishers will receive their commission, and new publishers, with an additional fee, will also be motivated to promote.




OK, I’m interested to start with the Conversion Assist! What do I need to do and who should I contact?

Great that you understand the added value of the Conversion Assist! The Conversion Assist is relatively easy to implement. However, we will first discuss a few specifics with you, such as (of course) the height of the additional commission. Please contact your channel manager via the usual way to discuss this, or send us an email.

If you have any questions regarding this subject or something else, please don’t hesitate to contact us through our ticket system or send us an email. We answer questions as soon as possible!