
Daisycon Publisher Spotlight: Promojagers BV

188,826+ members | 200,000+ visitors per month | 14,217+ TikTok followers

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Let’s connect this week with a publisher affiliated with the Daisycon network: Promojagers BV, Belgium’s largest and most active price-conscious community. Let’s dive into their mission on how they make promotions transparent, help shoppers save money and revolutionise how we shop. Get ready to discover the secrets behind their success and how they are changing the game for both shoppers and retailers.

Meet Gunther Devisch, Founder & Community Manager

Leading the charge at Promojagers is Gunther Devisch, a passionate individual dedicated to providing a platform where savings and promotions take centre stage. As the Founder and Community Manager, Gunther’s vision has shaped Promojagers into an unrivalled force in Belgium’s retail landscape.

At the core of Promojagers’ mission is their unwavering commitment to making promotions transparent and helping members save money. Their arsenal of tools comprises four pillars that drive their success:

1) A thriving Facebook community: With an interactive community boasting impressive engagement, Promojagers connects like-minded individuals with a common passion for deals and discounts. It’s a hub where shoppers come together to exchange knowledge, share tips, and uncover the best bargains.

2) Native Newsletter: Promojagers’ native newsletter boasts an impressive 40% open rate, a testament to the value their subscribers find in the content. Packed with the latest promotions, it keeps readers informed and ensures they never miss out on the best deals.

3) The Promojagers website and app: Their dedicated website and user-friendly app, www.promojagers.be, serve as go-to resources for shoppers looking to explore the latest offers, compare prices and find the best discounts. Seamlessly integrating user experience with comprehensive information, the website and app are invaluable tools for savvy consumers.

4) Promo Code Browser Extension: Promojagers’ browser extension simplifies the process of finding and applying promo codes, ensuring shoppers never miss out on potential savings. It’s a game-changer for those seeking effortless ways to reduce their shopping bills.

Success stories: collaborating with EMMA

Promojagers has a remarkable track record of successful collaborations, with one standout example of their partnership with EMMA. The results speak for themselves, showcasing the power of Promojagers’ platform in driving tangible outcomes for advertisers.

Looking for the perfect partnerships

When seeking partnerships with advertisers, Promojagers values open communication and feedback. The more input they receive from clients, the better they can tailor their campaigns and communications. Long-term collaborations are favoured, as they allow for deeper engagement and mutually beneficial growth.

New offer: explore Promojagers’ Mediakit

Promojagers is thrilled to present their new and enticing Mediakit, offering a range of captivating package deals. Whether you’re a retailer looking to maximise exposure or an advertiser seeking innovative ways to engage with a steady audience, Promojagers’ Mediakit holds the key to unlocking impressive results. Check out the Daisycon Marketplace for this new offer.

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